2023 Mom & Baby stats

Our 2023 UWSC Mom & Baby Care Drive which was held April 1- April 30, collected 5,291 diapers and 879 items of  baby wipes feminine products, and personal care items for moms, with donations totaling $5,382.95.

Nineteen volunteers picked up, sorted, counted, documented and delivered these much needed supplies to 12 partner agencies who serve moms and babies in need:  Community Child Care, Cumberland Crisis Pregnancy Center, Gallatin CARES, Gallatin Day Care, Grace Place, Hendersonville Samaritan Association, HomeSafe, Nurses for Newborns, Portland CARES, Salvus Center, Sumner County CASA, and Westmoreland Food Bank (Amazing Grace Mission).

In addition to our 10 public collection sites, 11 more organizations/groups hosted internal collection campaigns including: Aladdin TempRite, Cornerstone Financial, Durham Farms, Hendersonville First United Methodist Church (Ben Alexander's Sunday School Class), ITW Dynatec, ITW Stamptech Fasteners, Primrose School of Hendersonville, Servpro, Station Camp High School's National Honor Society, Sumner Academy, and Vanderbilt Health.