How does United Way work?
United Way brings people and resources together to address the most pressing human service needs in our community. These issues, like helping families become self-sufficient, preparing children for success in school, and helping our most vulnerable achieve health and well-being, benefit everyone.
What does United Way do?
Our work helps provide the building blocks for a good life through efforts in four focus areas: Education, Financial Stability, Health, and Rebuilding Lives. We do this by funding 37 local non-profit health and human service programs that serve residents throughout Sumner County.
What else does United Way of Sumner County do besides fund programs?
United Way of Sumner County serves as the hub of a network that connects givers, advocates, and volunteers with local businesses, schools, government, and human service programs, working together to make lives better and our community stronger. United Way's Volunteer Center connects people and organizations to volunteer opportunities. We connect people who need help with local resources through United Way's 2-1-1 help line. We also connect available community resources with local needs through our annual Community Impact Drives like the Mom & Baby Care Drive, United We Feed, and our Winter Care Drive. We quantify local conditions and identify current needs by leading groundbreaking research, like the ALICE Study on Economic Hardship. Finally, we work with the entire community to develop innovative approaches and long-term strategies to collaboratively eliminate the causes of issues affecting our residents.
Who and where do you help?
United Way of Sumner County and its partner programs serve people throughout all of Sumner County, including those in Gallatin, Hendersonville, Portland, Westmoreland, White House, and unincorporated areas.
Who Is responsible for the activities of your local United Way?
The volunteer members of the Board of Directors, in addition to being accountable to the community, are legally responsible to see that the affairs of United Way are properly managed. United Way funds are audited yearly by an independent auditing firm. In the interest of transparency, our annual Financial Reports are open to public inspection.
What is United Way Worldwide?
United Way Worldwide (UWW) is a training and service organization created by independent United Ways across the country and around the world as a way of sharing ideas and resources. It allows us to more effectively address our community's social issues and helps your contributions achieve greater impact. United Way Worldwide does not fund social services. Only local United Way organizations do that, and they do so independently of UWW.
Are United Ways related?
There are more than 1,000 community-based United Ways across the United States and another 600 United Ways internationally, and each is separately incorporated and independently governed by local volunteers. Many of these organizations are similar in their mission and structure, but some are very different. Where does my money go?
Contributions raised in Sumner County stay in Sumner County to support local residents unless donors designate their gifts to go elsewhere. Volunteers are at the heart of United Way decision making, and they determine which programs to invest in and which local partnerships to pursue.
How old is United Way of Sumner County?
United Way of Sumner County was formed in 1977 by local leaders who wanted to make a difference in their community. Click here for more history.
Who decides which programs you invest in?
Volunteers (like you) decide how much money is invested in the programs we fund. They review programs and budgets annually to ensure that every dollar is well spent. Contributors rely on United Way's Allocations review process to make the best use of their donations. When the giving power of many is combined, it can have a powerful impact on our community.
How can my agency become a United Way agency?
United Way of Sumner County accepts Letters of Intent once per year (This is the only time each year when they will be accepted). CLICK HERE for full details about how to become a funded partner.
I don't benefit, so why should I give?
You, a family member, friend or coworker may have already used the services of United Way of Sumner County partner agencies without realizing it. We all win when children succeed in school, when families are financially stable, when people have good health, and when those enduring tragedy receive the help they need to put their lives back together. When you support United Way, you build a stronger community.
How do I give to United Way of Sumner County?
United Way of Sumner county could not do the work we do without our committed donors. We are so grateful for the tremendous generosity of corporations, foundations, small businesses, individuals, couples, and families who make our work possible. From the employees who give through payroll deduction to our most engaged Tocqueville Society members, every investment helps further our mission to create positive change in our community. There are many ways to give back to your community whether it be through giving your time or making a donation. Learn more about how you can Get Involved.
What is the difference between designated and undesignated gift?
A designated gift restricts your gift to a specific 501(c)(3) organization. An undesignated gift takes advantage of United Way of Sumner County's thorough, research-based program selection that gets the money to the issues and areas that need it most. This allows you to help the most people and do the most good for our entire community.
Why would I want to give an undesignated gift?
An undesignated gift to United Way of Sumner County allows you to help more people than a gift to a single agency could. Our community's problems are interrelated, and only United Way's diversity of programs work to address the interconnected and complex causes of community issues in a way that no single agency can.
Is my donation to United Way of Sumner County tax-deductible?
Who benefits from my donation?
While thousands of people are directly impacted by United Way services, that's only part of the story. A donation to United Way builds a stronger, healthier, and connected community for everyone! Everyone benefits when children are successful in school, families are stable, and people in critical need or crisis get help. Successful students and stable families are vital to our area's economic vitality, and they drive positive change in social conditions that increase our overall quality of life. By reaching out a hand to one, we affect conditions for all of us.
What's the difference between UWSC and other non-profits?
The strength of United Way is its ability to bring the community together to focus on our most critical needs. No single agency can do that. When you give to United Way of Sumner County, your gift is magnified with the gifts of others, impacting our community's most critical social issues.
Making a gift to United Way of Sumner County is the most effective way to help our whole community. Our unique ability to work across complex issues with dozens of community partners is unmatched. We mobilize volunteers and convene partner agencies, corporations, community leaders and policymakers to make broad, systemic changes like no other organization can on its own.
Our programs help people in crisis get back on their feet, help prevent future problems, and help build a stronger community for all of us.
My spouse gives, why should I?
Charitable giving is an individual decision. Your spouse's gift may be based on his or her income level and personal reasons, not on your combined income or your interests. But, most importantly, United Way gives everyone the power to change lives and strengthen our community. The only way we can advance the common good is if everyone does their part through giving, advocacy, and volunteerism.
Where can I go for help?
You can find several resources for help on our Get Help page including free programs and services from United Way like our 2-1-1 Help Line, a local referral service for finding resources to meet a variety of needs, and the Tennessee Benefit Kitchen, a text screener to help you find out if there are public benefits for which you might qualify. Both are confidential and available 24/7. Our Get Help page also has a link to a list of each of our partner agencies with contact information and a description of the services they offer.
I get pressure to contribute. Do you endorse this?
Absolutely not! Giving to United Way is strictly voluntary. We believe that information and education about United Way's work and results are the best ways to encourage contributions. Your gift makes a difference, and we want you to make an informed and willing decision when you give.
Does United Way of Sumner County fund abortions?
United Way of Sumner County DOES NOT fund abortions or Planned Parenthood. We do fund Cumberland Crisis Pregnancy Center, a faith-based agency that provides counseling services, support groups, and parenting classes for individuals and families facing crisis pregnancies.
What if I don't like one of the agencies funded by United Way?
Our aim is to fund agencies that have a proven impact on our community's most critical problems, however, you may exclude a specific partner agency from receiving any portion of your gift. You may also designate your gift to an area of service or a specific partner agency. Ask your company's United Way employee relationship manager for more information or Contact Us.
Still have a question?
We're an open book. Accountability and transparency are very important to us. If you still have a question, we'd love to hear it. Please reach out to us below: